All About Arborvitae Hedges and How to use Them as Privacy Screens

If you’re looking for a natural way to provide privacy or a boundary in your garden, arborvitae hedges are an excellent option. With their lush foliage and quick-growing nature, they make great additions to any outdoor space. But what exactly is an arborvitae hedge? Let’s take a closer look.

What is an Arborvitae Hedge? 

An arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) is an evergreen conifer that grows tall and narrow. It’s native to North America and can be found growing wild in many parts of the United States, particularly in the northern states. Its woody branches are covered with scale-like leaves that give the tree a soft, feathery appearance. The most common variety used for hedges is the American arborvitae, which can reach up to 40 feet tall if left untrimmed. 

The Benefits of Using Arborvitae Hedges 

Arborvitaes are popular because they grow quickly and can easily be trimmed into neat, uniform shapes—making them perfect for creating privacy screens or boundaries around gardens or yards. They also require very little maintenance once established and can tolerate both hot and cold weather conditions with very little care needed. In addition, arborvitaes provide a great source of food for birds during the winter months when food may be scarce. Finally, they have a pleasant scent that makes them ideal for adding fragrance to any outdoor area. 

How To Use Arborvitaes as Privacy Screens 

When planting arborvitaes as a privacy screen or boundary line, it’s important to plant them close together so that they will grow into each other over time and form a dense wall of foliage. You should also make sure to leave enough room between each plant so that air can circulate freely; this will help prevent the disease from spreading throughout the hedge. Once established, trim your arborvitaes regularly throughout the year to keep them healthy and looking their best. 


Arborvitae hedges make excellent additions to any garden or yard area due to their fast growth rate and ease of maintenance. Not only do they serve as effective privacy screens from neighbors or passersby, but their lush foliage provides nourishment for birds during the winter months when food may be scarce. With proper care and regular trimming, these evergreens will thrive in almost any environment—making them an ideal choice for anyone looking for natural ways to add beauty and privacy to their outdoor areas!


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