Podcast on Green Mountain Boxwood Hedges

Green Mountain Boxwood (Buxus x ' Green Mountain') is a beautiful, dense, evergreen shrub that is perfect for hedges and foundation plantings. It has dark green leaves and can grow up to 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Green Mountain Boxwood is a fast-growing shrub, so it's perfect for those looking to create an instant hedge. To know more about it listen to our latest  Green Mountain Boxwood Podcast. To know more, about this beautiful hedge, visit our website. 

Reasons to prefer Green Mountain Hedge

It's also relatively low-maintenance, requiring only occasional pruning to keep it looking its best. For gardeners in colder climates, Green Mountain Boxwood is a great choice, as it is winter hardy and can withstand temperatures as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit. If you're looking for a beautiful, easy-to-care-for shrub, Green Mountain Boxwood is a perfect choice.


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