A short description of Royal Star Magnolia

The Royal Star Magnolia (Magnolia Stellata Royal Star) is a small, low-growing, flowering tree that is commonly grown as a rounded shrub. Royal Star Magnolia, because of its compact size, makes an excellent hedge or screen. Its star-shaped white flowers bloom best in full sun with moist soil and at a younger age, always in late winter to early spring. When grown in partially shaded conditions, the Royal Star Magnolia Tree grows significantly taller and can tolerate a variety of soil types.

Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' makes a distinctive planting in a snowy winter environment with its bare branches and spreading, rounded crown. It also has lovely gray-white bark.

Without trimming, Royal Star Magnolia Hedge normally reaches a height of 15–20 feet in Japan. Magnolia Stellata can be easily managed as a 4 to 10-foot tall hedge. When utilized to make an accent wall in the late winter garden or to line a driveway, Royal Star Magnolia looks exceptionally beautiful.

A quick guide about Royal Star Magnolia

  1. The Royal Star Magnolia Shrub is amazing in spring with double blossoms that are 4 inches broad and fragrant.

  2. The Magnolia Stellata Royal Star hedge requires little upkeep.

  3. For the first three months, need frequent watering, at least twice each week.

  4. Midsummer is the ideal time to prune a Magnolia Stellata tree.

Guidelines for Using Royal Star Magnolia in a Landscape

Royal Star is a fantastic flowering privacy shrub for a variety of landscaping uses. To anchor a foundation planting, it is the ideal specimen plant. Place it at least 10 feet away from your house to ensure that, even as the shrub reaches maturity, you can still access the exterior with ease.

Use it closer to the picture window to provide some screening or angle it out from the corner to highlight the architecture of your house. That is especially true if you have a picture window that allows you to observe the early spring floral display from the comfort of your warm, cozy house.

In a berm or lawn planting, use 3 or 5-Star Magnolia. To produce a beautiful, authentic woods impression, plant them in a loose zigzag and vary the distance between 10 and 25 feet. Give them at least 20 feet apart from each other if you want them to stand out on their own.

The edge of a woodland garden is an excellent place for this plant as well. When grown beside a pond or other body of water, it looks great. To develop a naturalized planting, combine in groups with other Magnolias or blooming bushes and shrubs.

Royal Star is incredibly adaptable. Lower branches can either be grown as a lovely and useful privacy screen or pruned up into a blooming tree with a single trunk and a high canopy. Use the Star Magnolia, which has a medium growth rate, as a bridge between shelterbelts of shrubs with moderate and fast growth rates.

To utilize it as a huge, low-maintenance shrub, leave it unpruned. Set them eight feet apart (measuring from the center of one to the center of the next.) To construct a beautiful freeform "friendly fence" hedge along your property boundary, let them naturally fill in. Every spring, it will wow your neighbors!

Within your own landscape is another method to take advantage of this unique type of hedge. Royal Star Magnolia walls can be used to create a secret garden room. Give yourself a little personal area to escape to.

People adore outdoor yoga classrooms, meditation gardens, and charming cottage gardens where they can relax with a nice book and a small pitcher of their preferred alcoholic beverage.


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