What is the best boxwood to plant?

There are a variety of boxwoods available:

  • Winter Gem Boxwood
  • Variegated English Boxwood
  • Green Beauty Boxwood
  • Green Mountain Boxwood
  • Dwarf English Boxwood, etc.
Among all the varieties mentioned above the best is Green Mountain Boxwood is also known as Buxus x. Green Mountain. It is an evergreen year-round shrub that is deer and rabbit resistant and also not carrying many serious diseases or pest risks. Green Mountain Boxwood features:
  • Easy to grow and maintain
  • Slow-growing hedge, at 3 to 6 inches per year
  • Looks elegant and gives a classic look
  • It is incredibly tough and hardy to harsh environmental conditions
  • Once established, it can be quite a drought-tolerant.
  • Low maintenance


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