
Showing posts from December, 2020

Know About The Best Privacy Hedges | InstantHedge

  If you are wondering to buy privacy hedges and confused about where to buy them? Don't forget to look at the collection of privacy hedges by InstantHedge. 

Reasons To Avoid Leyland Cypress | InstantHedge

Leyland Cypress is a very common choice for privacy hedges but planting and maintaining Leyland Cypress is not that easy! There are various problems associated with Leyland Cypress like fast-growing rate, disease-prone, etc.  

Buy Green Mountain Boxwood Online | InstantHedge

  Green Mountain Boxwood hedges are very low maintenance aside from watering and mulching, but occasional pruning will increase the overall health of your shrub. 

How fast does arborvitae grow?

  Arborvitae is the best evergreen, easy-care, fast-growing privacy hedge. Arborvitaes are the member of the cypress family. They do well in USDA plant hardiness zones 2 to 8, though more varieties grow in the cooler zones than the warmest ones. There is a variety of arborvitae present. Some of them are: Green Giant Arborvitae : If grown in the right conditions they can grow very fast. This plant will require pruning to keep it under control.  American Arborvitae : They increase by 1-2 feet per year with limited width size and require less pruning.  Emerald Green Arborvitae : It is the slowest growing arborvitae hedge. But it has optimum density and requires minimum pruning. The growth rate of all the variety of arborvitae hedges depends upon the climatic conditions they are exposed to. If they are exposed to suitable climatic conditions they will grow fast.  

Low Maintenance Hedge | Arborvitae Hedges | InstantHedge

  Are you looking for a place to buy the best arborvitae? Your search ends here. At InstantHedge you can find the best varieties of arborvitae for hedging purposes. You can use them as privacy hedges also.

Buy Best Boxwood Hedges | InstantHedge

Buying boxwood hedges for your landscape or garden is best because boxwood hedges are low maintenance hedges with deer-resistant ability.

What is the best boxwood to plant?

There are a variety of boxwoods available: Winter Gem Boxwood Variegated English Boxwood Green Beauty Boxwood Green Mountain Boxwood Dwarf English Boxwood, etc. Among all the varieties mentioned above the best is Green Mountain Boxwood is also known as Buxus x. Green Mountain . It is an evergreen year-round shrub that is deer and rabbit resistant and also not carrying many serious diseases or pest risks. Green Mountain Boxwood features: Easy to grow and maintain Slow-growing hedge, at 3 to 6 inches per year Looks elegant and gives a classic look It is incredibly tough and hardy to harsh environmental conditions Once established, it can be quite a drought-tolerant. Low maintenance