InstantHedge: Wanna make your homes and gardens winter ready?


With the arrival of winters, what would be that one thing that might obsess you completely, as a nature lover? Of course, that would be something related to your ravishing gardens at your homes/ offices and yards. Another question that you might search answers for: 

“What would be the best plants to surround my house during winters”. 

If you’ve recently decided to pursue gardening either as a means of hobby or purposes or both. Then, you ought to have some really good suggestions, especially considering the winters’ season.  Winters is quite a sensitive season. Requires a lot of care and adaptability to survive, whosoever it is in the ecosystem- plantation, wildlife or the home sapiens.

Have a look upon what varieties hedges gardening gives you away. For your ravishing gardens, especially during the dreary, chilly winters:

Best Hedges for your gardens: Winter-Special 

There is a variety of evergreen and deciduous hedges which you can use creatively as your gardening ideas implementation.  

The Best Plants for Winter Garden- What to plant in your gardens in Winter?

American Arborvitae

The evergreen hedges comprise the Arborvitae which are lush green healthy looking hedges for your gardens. As winter specialty, these hedges never fade away in their greenery and density giving your gardens the similar lush green looks all through the years. 

The Arborvitae consists of the three basic hedging patterns for you: 

i) Green Giant Arborvitae

Scientifically popular as the Thuja x. Green Giant, these hedges give moderate resistance as privacy screens. But completely satisfying to grow and glow green, well all seasons. 

ii) Emerald Green Arborvitae

Scientifically popularised as the Thuja occidentalis “Smaragd”, these hedges are another viable option for your evergreen blushing gardens. Despite being least resistant to deer, these hedges shall offer you the appropriate shades in moderately sunny arenas.  

iii) Western Red Cedar

Thuja plicata “Virescens” are among the denser forms of hedges for making your yards feel warmer during chilly winters. These hedges give a lush green view when speculated from any angles. Also marks as brilliant privacy screens from your locality. 

iv) American Arborvitae forms the majority of species as within the Thuja occidentalis.

Wichita Blue Juniper (Juniperus scopulorum)

Rocky Mountain Juniper is a popular blue flaky hedge for embracing your garden’s beauty during winter. 

The Rocky Mountain Juniper set of hedges are really unique in comparison to other hedges as they attract with their whitish-blue designs over leaves the shrubs. Giving an appealing look like snow-flakes being formed over leaves. Not just this, these hedges are especially deemed to last notably well in arid and cold areas with minimum sunlight during the day. 

Teton Firethorn

Scientifically known as Pyracantha Teton, these are hedges with the most elegant designs blessed by the fruit and flowery bearings all over, Often covered with bearings enough to attract beautiful honey-bees and birds, these hedges serve as the right privacy screens too. In addition to these, hedges like these are perfectly suitable for cold climates such as winters. 

Green mountain Boxwood

Scientific name: Buxus x. “Green Mountain” 

Most compact and easy plantation according to the needs, boxwood hedges come with various size containers to plant them in easily. Boxwood hedges are available in different varieties for your gardens to have a colorful biss of plants arranged within compact or wide spaces. 

Lady Dragon Holly

The lady dragon holly hedges are also visibly fit for all seasons including the winters especially. These hedges give a low length but impressive durability to last longer without much maintenance. Scientifically these hedges are being known as the Ilex aquipernyi “Dragon Lady”.

Beech Hedges


Apart from the evergreen hedges, a wide range of varieties from deciduous hedges also give your gardens the most ravishing look during dreadsome, chilly winters. 

Amur Maple Hedges and Hornbeam Hedges are also perfectly waiting to give you the desired active look even during lazy winter days, nights as well as evenings.

Some other widely in demand hedges for your gardens include: Arrowwood Viburnum, Royal Star Magnolia and Cornelian-Cherry. (respectively in images, exclusively for reference only)

Making “Smart Choice” among the hedges, based upon your zone’s climate:

Depending upon the zone you’re living in, your hedges shall be more favourable to choose. Since every region has its own climate type,  suitability to adapt those conditions is first choice while selecting hedges for winter gardening. 

Thus, you can even contact/ finalize for effective hedging decisions during winters, on the basis of your USDA zones. 

Feel free to contact InstantHedge for instant responses for your garden hedging advice and purchase. 


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