What to Plant with Pyracantha Firethorn?

"I planted pyracantha to fill in a blank spot along a fence and I'm quite keen to plan some hedges given the use it has been to the birds. The back of my garden has a row of deciduous shrubs that grow in long stalks to roughly 7 feet, providing privacy but they appear to lack in fruits, so I'm considering planting a row of pyracanthas.


This is the question every gardener come across. Since, Pyracantha Teton firethorn is a deciduous hedge variety, some mixture of both evergreen and deciduous hedge can be used to plant it in a row. Below are the hedges which you can plant in a row along with Teton Firethorn.

Evergreen Hedges-

- Laurels
- Arborvitae

Deciduous Hedges-

- Beech Hedge
- Maple"


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