Top 5 Plants for Both Chain Link Fence Aesthetics and Privacy

Chain link fencing is inexpensive, and easy to use, but they lack beauty that fails to deliver aesthetic value in your life. Fencing is a part of your landscape design that gives structure to your garden. “Good fences make good neighbors”, but fencing is only not the option when you require privacy, barrier and peace. Hedges have been used for centuries.

Contemporary gardens: Landscape your garden with hedges to create Contemporary gardens

Backyard privacy is must sometimes!

Depending on your desires and circumstances, you may want to opt for a more natural appearance and privacy. Something that grow tall and form a handsome hedge that not only deliver privacy, but protect you from a windbreak. Hedges are great options for enhancing the ugly fences that may border your yard. Below are some favorite hedge selections to settle a fence-

American Arborvitae - Thuja Occidentalis (American Arborvitae), is an ideal choice if specifically height, species, and delivery are all important to you. Along the back edge for privacy, American Arborvitae stays dark green year round and holds its needles throughout the winters. One of the most affordable privacy trees that don’t die but actually grow beautifully with little care.



  • American arborvitae is tolerant to different kinds of soil, but prefers moist and loamy soil
  • Ideal for USDA zone 3-8
  • No major pest and disease issue
  • Works beautifully with regular pruning.
  • Can reach upto height 20’ to 40’
  • Needs adequate water to stay healthy (More in extreme heat condition)

Cornelian Cherry - Scientifically known as Cornus Mas, Cornelian Cherry Dogwood is a perfect choice for a full and tall privacy fence/hedge that will block out all your neighbors. You might have considered laurels, privet, thujas, and cypress but if you want a hedge specifically in USDA zone 5-8 then look no further than Cornus Mas. The hedge is easy to maintain that requires less pruning and watering. 


  • Deciduous
  • Adds some privacy to backyard along split rail fence.
  • Looks extremely stunning in small groupings.
  • Beautiful star molded yellow flowers sprouts in late winters.
  • Produces bright cherry red fruit in june and july
  • Thrives easily in average well drained soil

Western Red Cedar- “I'm researching fast-growing tree in the US that will provide some privacy” That’s common question to ask! Thuja Plicata (Western red cedar) is a common tree used as a hedge in USDA zone 5-9. Western red is a nice hedge selection that promises that stay bright evergreen throughout the season. Looks exceptionally handsome in outdoor spaces if used with mixture of some flowering hedge selections



  • Works well with casual pruning.
  • Thrives in fertile, moist and well drained soil
  • Grows fast, can reach up to 12’ height and 4’ width.
  • Deer resistant
  • Requires partial shade to full sun to give best results.


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