
Showing posts from December, 2023

Upright Beauty: Creating Tall Hedges with Hicks Yew

  Experience a lush and regal garden with Hicks Yew hedges . These American-bred, upright evergreens are the perfect addition to any outdoor space that needs a touch of elegance and a natural privacy barrier. Hicks Yew hedge has an incredibly dense growth pattern that guarantees full coverage and screening at great heights. Imagine looking out on your perfectly kept yard with an impeccable hedge stretching high into the sky, uninterrupted and beautiful. With little maintenance required, Hicks Yew Hedge is a no-brainer for those seeking low-maintenance landscaping that offers all the benefits of having an exquisite garden. So why settle for less when you can have the best with Hicks Yew Hedge?

Cornelian Cherry Dogwood: A Blossoming Beauty in Deciduous Hedges

  The Cornelian Cherry Dogwood is a truly remarkable plant that offers a stunning display of elegance in every season. This beautiful flowering shrub is known for its colorful and intricate blooms that capture the attention of anyone who stumbles upon it. From the charming pink and white petals that emerge in the spring to the vibrant red berries that appear in the fall, the Cornelian Cherry Dogwood is a sight to behold all year long. This majestic species of dogwood also boasts deep green leaves that provide an attractive backdrop for its many colorful displays. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, the Cornelian Cherry Dogwood is a must-have addition to any outdoor space.

Year-Round Greenery: A Guide to Emerald Green Arborvitae Hedges

  If you're looking to create a private oasis in your backyard, the Emerald Green Arborvitae is a top contender. With its dense, narrow growth habit and striking emerald green foliage, this evergreen tree is the perfect choice for creating an elegant privacy hedge. One of the standout features of the Emerald Green Arborvitae is its ability to maintain its vibrant green color throughout the season, so you can enjoy your stunning hedge all year round. And now, you can easily turn your vision into reality by shopping for this popular tree species online.

Landscaping With Wichita Blue Juniper

  When it comes to landscaping, many homeowners strive for a look that will stand the test of time. And there's no better way to achieve that than with Wichita Blue Juniper. This stunning plant adds a touch of elegance and charm to any outdoor space, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial settings. With its clear blue-green foliage and compact, upright growth habits, the Wichita Blue Juniper is a showstopper, standing out among other plants in your garden or yard. Best of all, it's low-maintenance, making it easy to care for and ensuring that it will look beautiful for years to come. So, if you're looking to elevate your landscape game with a plant that exudes timeless elegance, consider planting the Wichita Blue Juniper . Your outdoor space will thank you!

Blossoming Boundaries: Elevate Your Landscape with These Flowering Hedges

  Adding flowering hedges to your landscape can elevate the aesthetic of your outdoor space. Not only can they bring in a pop of color, but they also provide seasonal interest with their changing blooms throughout the year. With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which hedges to incorporate into your yard. Luckily, six options stand out as the best. Whether you want a lush, green backdrop with bursts of delicate flowers or a hedge that boasts bold, showstopping blooms, these six flowering hedges are sure to provide both beauty and functionality to your landscape.

Winterizing Your Landscape: Essential Tips for Green Giant Arborvitae

Winter can be a challenging season for plants, especially with the harsh colder temperatures. The Green Giant Arborvitae is no exception but with the right care, it can thrive in the winter months. To ensure your Green Giant Arborvitae stays healthy during winter, it’s important to provide it with adequate moisture and protection from the wind. Applying a thick layer of mulch around its base can help regulate soil temperature and reduce evaporation, keeping moisture levels consistent. To shield your arborvitae from winter winds, aim to create a windbreak by covering it with burlap or other protective material. With proper attention and care, your Green Giant Arborvitae will return to full vitality in the spring.