
Showing posts from January, 2022

Best fast growing shrubs: 10 speedy shrubs for your backyard

  The list of fast-growing shrubs below can help you get started with your landscape quickly. From one inch per year to several feet in just months, these plants will provide privacy and screening near homes or property while also growing anywhere on the map.

Privacy Shrubs For Your Garden | InstantHedge

  We all know how much our neighbors hate us. They spend their free time taking out the garbage in front of our house, and we can't stand it! But there's a solution: plants. Especially those privacy shrubs that typically reach maturity within just one or two seasons; they're perfect for quickly hiding away those eyesore features you don’t want to stare back at your home every day.

How to Trim Hedges: 5 Important Tips

  Hedges can offer a decorative border and screen the grounds of your home. Whether you have one small hedge or many tall hedges, it is important to regularly trim them so that they don't grow too much! This guide provides tips on how to trim hedges as well as for instructions for trimming different types of bushes to keep their shape without becoming overbearing.

Everything About Fagus sylvatica (European Beech) | InstantHedge

Fagus sylvatica is an attractive, upright-oval tree when left alone. It can be pruned to any desired hedge style and has been found in central Europe as well southern region of the continent where it was native beforeBeing brought over by European settlers during colonial times; this species remains one popular ornamental ever since.

Quick Guide To Magnolia Stellata Royal Star | InstantHedge

The Star Magnolia is a stunning addition to any landscape that will be treasured for years. The compact Magnolia Stellata Royal Star beauty has fragrant white blooms and provides an array of scents from its charming branches, making it not only beautiful but also enjoyable.

Know About Magnolia Stellata Royal Star | InstantHedge

  Magnolia stellata, also known as Magnolia stellata Royal Star is a small deciduous tree that can be found in Japan. The plant has striking white flowers with five petals each shaped like an open-finger flower; they bloom during late winter to early spring when other plants are still dormant.

Lonicera Nitida: Get The Best Evergreen Hedges For Your Landscape

Lonicera nitida, commonly called box honeysuckle or box leaf honeysuckle is a dense evergreen that grows quickly and with repeated shearing makes an incredibly thick screen. The texture of the Lonicera nitida plant's leaves is beautiful in their details as they scroll across your field view.

Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' | Emerald Green Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis Emerald is a slow grower, but it produces a wonderful privacy hedge. If you want quick results or don't mind spending more money on smaller plants than big ones then go with the former option; otherwise, stick to Emerald's ball and burlap cousins which can have their set issues like long waiting periods for shade (and potential losses) as well huge waste involved if not grown correctly.

Fagus sylvatica: An overview | InstantHedge

  Fagus sylvatica hedge leaves change color with the passing seasons, making it an attractive hedge in many outdoor spaces. It is a classic, beloved hedge choice that holds its copper-colored fall leaves on the branches all way through winter for year-round screening.

Are Arrowwood Viburnum Hedges Good For Your Yard?

Arrowwood viburnum is a wonderful shrub for your yard! It has beautiful creamy white flowers in the spring or early summer, and its leaves are dark green and glossy. In the fall, they change to yellow and red.  Arrowwood viburnum   shrub provides food and cover for birds, as well as larval food for butterflies and moths. It grows 6'-15' high with a comparable spread, making it a great choice for any size yard.