
Showing posts from September, 2021

Tips For Beautiful Low Maintenance Garden | InstantHedge

The answer to this dilemma is to install low-maintenance landscaping. This will allow you, the gardener or homeowner who wants an attractive landscape but doesn't have time for all of its upkeep and has too many other responsibilities in their daily lives such as parenting children and performing household chores like cooking meals can enjoy having beautiful hedging plants without worrying about them constantly needing care.

How To Maintain Emerald Green Arborvitae?

Emerald green arborvitae is the most successful trees for privacy fences and screens. They can grow in a wide variety of soils, including wet ones. If you're planting your new Emerald Green Arborvitae 3-4 feet apart then make sure they have plenty of room or else snow may break their branches when it's heavy.  

Green Giant (Thuja x. ‘Green Giant’) Caring Tips | InstantHedge

  Green giant arborvitae is the perfect hedge for those who live in hot and humid climates. The evergreen foliage stays lush-looking all year long, and beautiful without having to spend hours on care every week. Many find that Green Giant Arborvitae offers a big privacy boost with large leaves and sturdy trunks, but it also thrives as an ornamental bush due to its beauty during wintertime when most other hedges look stark and bare.

Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus Mas) | InstantHedge

  Cornelian Cherry Dogwood packs a power punch of natural, unflinching beauty while containing low-maintenance finesse. The woody shrub will make an attractive hedge, screen, or border for any outdoor space with its notable bright yellow flowers in the spring and simple care throughout the year by surviving well in average soil. The best part? Cornelian Cherry is super easy to propagate from cuttings!

Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae For Sale | InstantHedge

  Thuja Green Giants are amazing hedges that are used worldwide for their evergreen green foliage that makes a perfect privacy wall around your property. Shop Now Thuja Green Giant from InstantHedge.

Hicks Yew (Taxus x media ‘Hicksii’) Information | InstantHedge

  If you are looking for a large evergreen hedge to add to your landscape Hicks Yew hedges are perfect for your garden. Shop for Hicks Yew Hedges now!

Learn About Hicks Yew Hedges | InstantHedge

  With dense evergreen foliage, a form and growth rate perfect for hedging purposes, extreme cold-hardiness, excellence in both full sun and full shade, and low maintenance needs, makes Hicks Yew one of the most popular hedging choices on the market.