
Showing posts from March, 2021

Process From Ordering To Planting Hedges

Are you also among one of them who thinks that planting hedges is a difficult task and involves a lengthy procedure? Clear all your doubts regarding planting hedging plants by reading this infographic.

Learn About Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus Mas)

Do you know that fleshy dark-red fruits on Cornelian Cherry Dogwood are used to make tasty syrups and preserves? These fruits are rich in Vitamin C and also have a bunch of recipes that can be prepared from Cornelian Cherry.

Everything You Need To Know About Emerald Green Arborvitae

  Emerald Green Arborvitae hedges are popular because of their multiple features like evergreen hedges, dense growth, low maintenance, give your yard a neat look, etc. Know more about Emerald Green Arborvitae from this infographic.

Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata ‘Virescens’) For Sale

Shop for dense evergreen privacy Western Red Cedar hedges for your yard. Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata ‘Virescens’) are deer resistant evergreen hedges with a fast growth rate moderate drought tolerance ability. 

How To Successfully Grow European Beech Hedges?

  A quick guide for European Beech hedges growing and caring tips. Go through this infographic and know about how to care for European Beech hedges (Fagus sylvatica).

Green Mountain Boxwood | Buxus x. ‘Green Mountain’

  Green Mountain Boxwood makes a perfect short hedges row with its compact and small leaves. Grace your yard with the elegance of Green Mountain Boxwood Hedges. Buy Now!

Best Privacy Screening Trees For Garden

Any of the mentioned screening trees are ideal for providing a green screen, windbreak, and more, but your ideal pick will depend on the space you have and the climatic conditions in your area.

Follow 7 Steps To Choose Best Hedges

  Looking for hedges right away? Decide and find the best hedges at InstantHedge. But before finalizing the hedges take a look at these 7 steps and then decide which hedge will suit your garden.

Top 5 screening trees for privacy in your garden

Privacy is something that we all are always looking up to. Here is the list of the top 5 screening trees which you can choose for your garden depending upon the climatic conditions in your area.

Check Out Widest Range Of Hedges

Looking for a platform where you can find multiple hedges for your landscape? Your search ends here. Check out the amazing hedges at InstantHedge and shop for the best for your garden.