
Showing posts from November, 2020

Thuja Plicata | Western Red Cedar | InstantHedge

Thuja Plicata is commonly known as western red cedar which is a vibrant green color hedge and amongst the best privacy hedge. Western Red Cedar is also a low maintenance hedge as it needs pruning only twice a year. Shop Now!

How to Make Laurel Hedge Grow Faster

Laurel hedges are unique group of plants which are best suited for  hedging. Laurels are from prunus genus family. They are broad leaved evergreens that makes them ideal plants for hedging. Some of the popular laurel hedge varieties are- Schip Laurel (Cherry Laurel) Prunus laurocerasus (English laurel) Prunus Lusitanica (Portuguese laurel) How to make laurel hedge grow faster All these laurel varieties need extra care to grow them fuller and faster- 1. Prune the hedge carefully in early spring every year 2. Plant your laurel at the right time 3. Fertilize  4. Mulch it with its leftover leaves 5. Water it on moderate basis

Royal Star Magnolia: Magnolia Stellata

Royal Star Magnolia scientifically known as Magnolia Stellata is a deer resistant evergreen hedge. Magnolia Stellata is a low branching flowering tree which is noteworthy for its compact size.  Some features of Royal Star Magnolia- - The hedge looks incredible in spring with 4 inch wide, fragrant double blossoms. - Magnolia Stellata is a low maintenance hedge - The best time to prune royal star magnolia in midsummer - Can reach up to 10' height and 12' width